Quantum Pig - Questionnaire
How are you feeling right now?
Mark Stevenson: Achey (gym). Tired (2 kids) Happy (Quantum Pig)
Ian Faragher: ...
Where is home?
Mark Stevenson: New Cross, SE14
Ian Faragher: Just up the hill from Mark
What do you consider your biggest achievement in your career so far?
Mark Stevenson: Turning all of my hobbies into jobs, signing to White Star Records.
Ian Faragher: I agree
What is your favourite band apart from your own?
Mark Stevenson: favourites are false choices. I cannot choose between XTC, Stevie Wonder, Black Sabbath, Midnight Oil, Parliament or Frost* (to name but a tiny subsection of those I love) and it’s unfair to ask.
Ian Faragher: old Queen, Yes, Genesis etc new: Frost, Three trapped Tigers, The Untied knot.
Is there a song that you wish you had written?
Mark Stevenson: No. Those songs belong to the people who wrote them - they could never have been written by me - and they’re brilliant, in part, because of who wrote them and why.
Ian Faragher: yeah...but it would have been nice to have been responsible for Awaken
6. Can you read music, or have you had any musical training?
Mark Stevenson: can ‘guess’ notation. I studied up to Grade 8 piano but never took it.
Ian Faragher: Classical percussion. Took a load of exams before discovering the drum kit and electric guitar.
What is your favourite food?
Mark Stevenson: Whatever I’m cooking for friends
Ian Faragher: Guinness
What would always be on your rider?
Mark Stevenson: A fine Rioja
Ian Faragher: Guinness
Can you recommend a good book to read?
Mark Stevenson: I've actually written a couple - An Optimist Tour of the Future and We Do Things Differently. Why not one of those?! They’re available for an author-insulting price on Amazon.
Ian Faragher: Mark's books are great.
Who is your favourite writer?
Mark Stevenson: Nope. Not doing it.
Ian Faragher: I daren't reply.
Do you have any favourite television shows and movies?
Mark Stevenson: I have two kids 3 and under, I’ve forgotten what those things are.
Ian Faragher: Peeky blinders is good.
Do you have a favourite musical instrument?
Mark Stevenson: The human mind
Ian Faragher: my mod'd 2013 US Telecaster.
Who would you most like to work with, either living or dead?
Mark Stevenson: Ian Faragher. Oh I do. Lucky me!
Ian Faragher: aw shucks..
What would you be doing if were not a musician?
Mark Stevenson: When I’m not being a musician I’m a futurist, author and occasional comedy writer.
Ian Faragher: I'd be lost.
Do you have any plans you can share with us?
Mark Stevenson: QP Album 2, a third book ('They’re time has come’), another play. Absolutely no more children.
Ian Faragher: Album 2 is quite well advanced so hope to it finished soon.